It's been a solid six months since I lasted updated the Injection of Inspiration blog (partly due to being busy and partly due to pure laziness). I've been delivering weekly injections of inspiration on my YouTube channel if you want to check those out, but what prompted me to want to write this in particular is because I have a three-day weekend thanks to President's Day. And it's been a blast.
From all the articles I write to school stuff (I'm nearing the end of my college career believe it or not), very rarely do I have free time on my hands, and even when I do, I try to use it effectively. That brings me to the topic of today's blog. I often find whenever people are presented with free time, they don't know how to spend it, or at least wisely. Years ago, I wrote about my own experiences with time management upon coming to college, but this blog will be a bit broader in terms of five things you can do to fill the free time. Soon you'll find that the day will fly by quicker than you thought it would. |
February 2017