I've wanted to start up a blog for quite awhile now, and, well, here it is. What triggered me to start this column, you ask? Well, on Thursday, May 31, I posted a series of tweets on my Twitter page explaining my story of what occurred on that specific date a year ago. I'll retell the story another day in a separate post, but it basically alluded to experiences I've had in recent years that caused me to take a second look at what I was doing, turn it around, and make it into something positive. After realizing I had made a major mistake at that point in my life, I knew it was time to re-evaluate what exactly I had been doing wrong. Now, there lies my first point.
During this series of events, I felt the need to be needed. Does that make any sense? Allow me to explain. I needed people (and more specifically this girl I had been friends with at the time) to make me feel better about myself, as I had been pretty insecure at that point in time. Once I had finally realized that you don't know what you have until it's gone, it was from that moment forward that I knew I didn't need anyone to make me happy but myself. So, for those of you out there struggling to achieve happiness and are experiencing a tough time, bear that in mind. Don't wait for someone to make you happy. That someone you're waiting for is RIGHT THERE in front of you when you stare into the mirror every morning. |
February 2017