![]() By Graham "GSM" Matthews This weekly blog will document my firsthand experiences as a student at Endicott College. Additionally, I will attempt to offer advice to fellow college students or those looking to attend college down the line. One of the biggest changes about coming to college is the amount of time you have. If you were like me in high school, then you probably had zero time to do anything. From homework to work to chores to sports to other extracurricular activities, you more than likely had little to no time to pursue other interests or have a social life in high school, especially during your senior year when everything is going on (getting your license, going to proms, etc). Once you go to college, that all changes. Unless you are on a sports team or in a club that takes up most of your day when you are not in class, then you probably will have a lot of time on your hands. One would think that a normal person would use that time to their advantage. This may not come as much of a shock to you, but in reality, a lot of people don't. As teenagers/young adults, we like to procrastinate. It is in our blood. I did it quite a bit in high school (or just life in general), and I know I am not the only one. However, I have changed my ways since coming to college. I am no longer able to attend MMA classes, I no longer have driving school, I don't do a radio show or film videos on a regular basis anymore, so I have a lot more time to kill. That being said, I have learned how to utilize said time wisely. ![]() By Graham "GSM" Matthews This weekly blog will document my firsthand experiences as a student at Endicott College. Additionally, I will attempt to offer advice to fellow college students or those looking to attend college down the line. One of the biggest culture shocks of becoming a college student is having roommates in your dorm, especially for those that may not have had to ever room with a younger or older sibling earlier on in their life. Unless you know someone who is going to the same college as you and have the chance to pick them as your roommate, you will more than likely be paired with someone that is a complete stranger to you. Incoming freshman are always scared that their roommate might not be great, so if that is ultimately the case, all I can say is this: prepare for the worst. Here at Endicott College, freshman were given the chance to pick their roommate if they had someone in mind, as long as they mutually requested you. However, I didn't know anyone going in, so I was just as unaware as everyone else when it came to who I was going to be rooming with. I filled out a survey earlier this year with questions asking how late I stayed up, if I drink/smoke, what my study hours were and things of that nature, so at least that was an indicator that my roommates would be somewhat similar to me. Thankfully, I lucked out, as I found out who my roommates were in early August and we talked to each other over Facebook in the weeks leading up to the move-in weekend. We discussed our majors, interests and what we were going to bring up, and the two kids seemed pretty cool from what they were saying. ![]() By Graham "GSM" Matthews This weekly blog will document my firsthand experiences as a student at Endicott College. Additionally, I will attempt to offer advice to fellow college students or those looking to attend college down the line. Mere hours after writing last week's blog post, I was invited to my first college party. Technically, it was more of the after-party since the actual drinking went down at another dorm, but it is cooler to say that you attended a college party than its after-party, so we'll stick with that. The party was happening in two rooms down from where I was, so it was easily accessible to say the least. One of my roommates was already there, and the other one was still my in room with me. The party was being hosted by a new friend we had made earlier in the week and his two roommates. Since we had nothing else going on, we decided to join in on the fun. The friend had warned us earlier in the day that he would be drinking quite a bit, so I wasn't surprised when we we met up with him that night. He didn't show the obvious alcoholic symptoms, but he was much crazier than usual. ![]() By Graham "GSM" Matthews This weekly blog will document my firsthand experiences as a student at Endicott college. Additionally, I will attempt to offer advice to fellow college students or those looking to attend college down the line. There was a popular song out a couple of years back entitled "I Love College", which listed everything that is awesome about being a college student. While I didn't necessarily like the song, I have found myself thinking about its title quite a bit over the last week. My first full week here at Endicott can be summed up in three words: I love college. After spending close to two weeks packing, I finally left for Endicott college on the morning of Sunday, September 1. For those who didn't read my previous blog post, Endicott is located in Beverly, Massachusetts, which is approximately two and a half hours away from where I live. We (my parents and I) finally arrived in the afternoon and met up with my new roommates. I've had to share a room in the past with my little brother, but I was worried about having a roommate in college, let alone two of them. Fortunately, they were both very cool and I've since formed a friendship with one of them. It took a while to unpack everything (I brought close to six full boxes with me), but once it was finally finished, my roommate and I went to dinner, where we split up into groups. |
February 2017