![]() By Graham "GSM" Matthews Save the date: Tuesday, September 1, 2015 is the date WrestleRant Radio resumes going live on Endicott College's premiere radio station, EC Radio! Since my school semester ended in early May, I've been hosting the show from my very own household and have been recording it to publish at any point during the day on Tuesdays. It's been a great summer for the show, as I've been able to bring on several familiar faces (er, voices) and host several exclusive interviews with the likes of TNA's Tyrus and Tough Enough's Gabi Castrovinci, among others. However, I'll be returning to my college campus that Monday and I've received word from the director of the radio station that we've been given the green light to go live that Tuesday night, September 1st at 9/8c. It'll run the usual hour and returning to host the show alongside me will be RJ Marceau to help me break down the world of wrestling! ![]() By Graham "GSM" Matthews Although Next Era Wreslting has been around since 2010, this last year has been more pertinent to the site's success than any other. In January 2014, Next Era Wrestling upgraded and began featuring original audio content (WrestleRant Radio) and debuted its very own search bar to make the process of finding archived content much easier. A little less than a year later, the site underwent cosmetic changes and debuted an all-new layout on January 1. And finally, as of March 2015, Next Era Wrestling now has its own domain name: nexterawrestling.net! For those who can recall, I experimented with the .net domain in last December, but I lost control of it at the start of the year. It became available for purchase in the spring and I jumped on the opportunity to buy it immediately. And yes, the website is still accessible through nexterawrestling.weebly.com; it will automatically direct you to the new domain of nexterawrestling.net. |
January 2018