Tonight, Ben Gartland and myself will present the eleventh edition of Spoilers at a special start time of 11/10c. In tonight's special episode, we will be joined by a special guest by the name of Bull Dredd, an independent wrestler who works primarily in the Northeast area. We'll have the opportunity to ask him questions regarding the life of a pro wrestler, inside and outside of the ring.
If you would like to call-in to ask Dredd a question, please call (718) 305-6983. Otherwise, please listen live here at 11 p.m. eastern time tonight for the interview. Our time slot for tonight has been moved from the usual due to Dredd's work schedule, but it's certainly worth the delay for this exclusive inside scoop. As stated before, we are still on the hunt for special guest hosts in coming weeks for Spoilers to call-in and help us review Raw among other topics. January is fully booked as of now, but other spots are always available if you're interested. On a side note, I've since realized that we only stream live for the first thirty minutes of the show. The additional fifteen minutes are available through the link I provide following the podcast through Twitter. Please contact me on Twitter at @SAVE_US_GSM or Ben at @FaceBenGartland for any comments, questions or concern regarding Spoilers. We'd also like to thanks those of you who have helped in spreading the word, as it's greatly appreciated! Enjoy your week, and don't forget to tune in tonight for the final edition of Spoilers of 2011 at 11/10c! Although Ben Gartland and myself usually air our online podcast Spoilers on Thursdays, we will be airing a special episode tonight at 5/4c to briefly review the final Raw of the 2011, as well as do our end of the year awards including Match of the Year, Moment of the Year, Superstar of the Year and much more. To listen live to tonight's show, click here. As always, feel free to call-in to the show to voice your opinion at 718-305-6983.
The reason behind having an extra show tonight is due to the fact that this upcoming Thursday at 10/9c, we will be joined by our first official guest: Bull Dredd, a independent pro wrestler who works primarily in the Northeast area. We are excited to welcome him to the show, and a live Q&A session will be held with Dredd on Thursday night. Starting in the new year of 2012, we are now welcoming a daily guest onto the show, with three people already booked for next month. If you available on a Thursday night and would like to join us for a fun time in reviewing Raw and discussing the exciting world of pro wrestling, contact me on Twitter @SAVE_US_GSM or Ben at @RealBenGartland to schedule your appearance now. Happy holidays! Tonight, Bleacher Report's own Graham "GSM" Matthews and Ben Gartland analyze this week in wrestling including thoughts on Raw, TLC, John Cena, Kane, Daniel Bryan, Brodus Clay, Skip Sheffield, SmackDown preview and much more. Our show goes live at 5 p.m. eastern time and ends around 5:45. You can listen live by clicking here. We welcome all callers, so please let your thoughts by calling in at 718-305-6983. We aren't bringing in actual guest hosts to talk for the entire broadcast until either next week or in early January, but don't be shy to call in and ask a question or anything. Contact us on Twitter at @SAVE_US_GSM or @RealBenGartland or further information. Please spread the word as well, as we're still looking for guest hosts in upcoming weeks! Thanks for your time, and happy holidays!!
As some of you may know, Bleacher Report Analyst Ben Gartland and myself (Graham "GSM" Matthews) host a weekly radio show entitled Spoilers, which we air live every Thursday evening at 5/4c. Going into the new year, we are looking for special guest hosts to call in on an episode to help us discuss the latest rumblings in the world of wrestling, including Raw/PPV reviews and breaking news. The only requirement is to be a passionate wrestling fan that has a lot of opinions to offer as well as knowledge on the WWE product. If you think you fit the description, please contact us on Twitter at @SAVE_US_GSM or @FaceBenGartland to secure a spot on the show in coming weeks. Thanks for contributing!
January 2018