Kevin Owens and Seth "Freakin" Rollins Hosted The KO Show with Raw Tag Team Champions Alpha Academy; Owens and Rollins def. Alpha Academy (Non-Title)Both of these teams are very entertaining and thus it was no surprise that their opening segment was as enjoyable as it was. They played off each other nicely and the subsequent tag team match was also a ton of fun. Normally, I'd have an issue with the champions losing, but since they'll both be involved in next week's Triple Threat for the Raw Tag Team Championship, I'm fine with it, especially since it sent the message that Owens and Rollins could capture the titles.
Jay Lethal def. Jora JohlKicking off Elevation with someone who isn't even on the official roster (if I remember correctly) isn't exactly how I envisioned Lethal being used when he joined AEW in November. Listen, I'm glad he's making appearances at all, but it's not like these wins really mean anything. This turned into a fun little opener. Lethal hitting his finisher out of nowhere is always cool. Post-match, Matt Hardy threatened to kick Johl out of the A.H.F.O., though I assume a majority of viewers didn't know he was an official member to begin with. I'm curious if he'll be kept around as a member once Hardy is eventually excommunicated.
Homicide def. Alex TaylorI feel like it isn't often we see Taylor compete, but he seems to be a competent wrestler based on what I saw here. You basically know what to expect from Homicide at this point and that's not at all a bad thing. There wasn't anything too extraordinary about this outing, but it was well wrestled and they filled the time well. Could this be part of a bigger feud between La Rebelion and The Ill Begotten? My guess is no, but it is possible Ill Begotten win the Crockett Cup and get an NWA World Tag Team Championship opportunity out of it.
AEW TNT Champion Sammy Guevara def. Andrade El IdoloI was hoping for a barn burner of a bout from these two given the immense amount of talent between them, but it never seemed to be anything other than pretty good. I know they're capable of more, so I'm not sure why they held back, especially since we're getting that six-man tag team match at Revolution and not the three-way with Guevara, Andrade and Darby Allin I wanted to see and was expecting. The A.H.F.O. stuff is just the worst, but thankfully, it appears Matt Hardy's time with the group is coming to an end and a Hardy Boyz reunion is on the horizon.
James Drake def. Xyon QuinnQuinn has fallen far in the span of five months. He was quietly building momentum upon the relaunch of NXT and found television time in his feud with Santos Escobar, but he lost to him twice and hasn't been on NXT TV since then. Worse yet, he's been demoted to NXT's secondary show and he lost to a tag team guy who didn't need the win. Listen, I love Grizzled Young Veterans, but Drake isn't a singles star. Quinn is. The match itself was serviceable but nothing you'll remember tomorrow.
February 2025