Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley Saved Roman Reigns From Jinder Mahal, Kevin Owens and Sami ZaynIt really bothers me whenever Reigns gets booed (as expected) in cities such as Montreal and then the commentators say that it's because it isn't your typical crowd. How the hell do they explain Hartford booing him out of the building just two weeks ago? Hell, there was even a portion of the audience in Saudi Arabia that booed him at Greatest Royal Rumble! Nonetheless, this segment was pretty paint-by-numbers, but least Owens and Zayn received raucous reactions from their hometown crowds. The six-man tag team match that was announced involving these men screamed filler. Elias vs. Bobby Roode Ended in a No ContestWe all figured these two would have a rematch following Elias' victory over Roode last week, and as a match, this was perfectly fine. I also figured Roode would get his win back, and thankfully, that was not the case (50/50 booking helps no one). That said, I'm not sure what to make of the finish we got instead. Roode's throat was apparently hurt, and then the contest was called off even though the bell never rang. I guess we're officially getting a Elias vs. Roode feud out of this.
John Cena def. Triple HWho would have ever imagined that the main events for WrestleMania 22 and Night of Champions 2008 would kick off a super show like this? I did think it was wise to open the evening with Cena and HHH, though, because they're still two of the most notable ames in the entire company and it set a nice tone for the remainder for the evening. The match started out slow, as expected, but it turned into a fun special attraction with a big fight feel in the second half with the crowd hot for everything they did. Neither of these men necessarily needed the victory, but considering this was basically a televised house show, I can't say I was shocked Cena took home the win. WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander def. KalistoThese two had never clashed one-on-one prior to this point, so despite not having that previously established chemistry together, this was a very well-wrestled match. It's a shame the crowd was as quiet for the contest as they were (aside from some of the high spots), but most people in the audience likely have no idea who either of these guys are. That said, I personally thought it was a blast and Alexander retaining his title was the right choice.
Cage def. Trevor LeeI noted in my Redemption review on Sunday that this would be a fun feud following their interaction in the six-way match at the pay-per-view, and although it looks like this was a one-and-done and nothing more, this was still enjoyable while it lasted. Cage is the star they're aggressively pushing at the moment (and rightfully so because he's great), and he was properly showcased here by overcoming the odds and scoring the victory. Eddie Edwards Brawled with oVeThe program between Edwards and oVe felt personal prior to Redemption, but it took a dark turn at the event when oVe beat Edwards and then he proceeded to accidentally hit his wife with a weapon afterward. Based off how Edwards left his wife at the hospital here (which was where she was approached by Sami Callihan and wasn't startled), I would assume a double turn is in the works. Edwards is more concerned with exacting revenge than he is protecting Alisha, so this storyline will be interesting to follow in the weeks ahead.
Undisputed Era Addressed the AudienceRoderick Strong has never been the best on the mic, but this was easily one of his better promos in recent memory, if only because he felt more comfortable as a heel than he ever did as a babyface and his logic for joining the faction was sound (he felt Pete Dunne would likely turn on him first and that it was pointless to fight the world by himself if he was always fell short). Everyone else did well with their promos as well. Undisputed Era has a ton of momentum right now and they were the right stars to start off the night. NXT North American Champion Adam Cole def. Oney LorcanEveryone already assumed Lorcan wasn't winning in Cole's first title defense, so Cole outright saying he didn't need Undisputed Era's help to win (only for them to aid him to victory anyway) was odd. I realize that was designed to put more heat on the faction, which it did, but Cole should in fact have been able to beat Lorcan by himself. Nevertheless, this was a nice little match for as long as it lasted.
#AskGSM Edition #230: Greatest Royal Rumble Match, Chad Gable's Push, "Infinity War," More4/25/2018 #AskGSM is a weekly Q&A video where I, Graham "GSM" Matthews answer fan questions from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in regards to the world of wrestling. Nothing is off limits, and this week’s edition touches upon a variety of topics including:
February 2025