Adam Cole def. Jungle Boy; Bryan Danielson Challenged The EliteCole vs. Jungle Boy was one of the matches I was most excited to see when Cole came to AEW and it definitely delivered. They're both incredibly over with the audience and both are the future of this company. This was a hot, excellently-wrestled opener with the crowd eating up every second. I hate that Jungle Boy kicked out of the Panama Sunrise, but what else is new? The Elite doing their typical comedy shtick did nothing for me, but at least it was established that Bryan wants to work his way through The Elite in order to get a rematch with Kenny Omega. Cody Rhodes and Lee Johnson def. Dante Martin and Matt SydalWhat a random match. I know it only existed to set up what happened afterward, and I probably shouldn't be complaining about getting a quality match, but a little setup would have been nice. Cody felt out of place here, but they made the most of the time they had. The real focus was on the post-match angle with Arn Anderson calling Cody a loser and walking out with Johnson. I can't say I'm thrilled about getting more drama within The Nightmare Family, but we can only hope it'll lead to a much-needed heel turn from Cody. Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston and Darby Allin def. Anthony Greene and Bear CountryThis was another match that came completely out of nowhere. I realize Moxley, Kingston and Allin have been established as an occasional trio, but all three of them need direction (at least we found out what was next for Allin later on). This was a total showcase for the babyfaces and the crowd was never bored. It must have been a treat for Greene (formerly known as WWE NXT's August Grey) to go from wrestling in the Performance Center in front of a limited audience on a show no one watches to competing on AEW's flagship show against three of their most popular performers and taking Sting's finisher. I was happy to see him get this chance to shine. Orange Cassidy and The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, John Silver, Alex Reynolds, Alan "5" Angels, Preston "10" Vance and Colt Cabana) def. The H.F.O. (Matt Hardy, Jora Johl, Private Party, The Hybrid2, The Butcher and The Blade)That's a hell of a headline. I'm typically not a proponent of multi-man tag team matches featuring so many people, but it made total sense to put Dark Order in action in Brodie Lee's hometown. Not only is Cassidy's -1's favorite wrestler, he'll also be facing Jack Evans in a Hair vs. Hair match this Friday on Rampage. This was pretty much what you'd expect with the central story being Amanda Huber (Brodie's widow) getting Uno back on the same page as the rest of the members. That appears to be it for that storyline, meaning Bray Wyatt won't be the one to unite them after all. I could be wrong, but it certainly looked like their tension will be no more. Dan Lambert and Men of the Year Addressed the AudienceFrom the sounds of it, Lambert's feud with Chris Jericho and Jake Hager isn't over yet. More promo battles between Jericho and Lambert might be fun, but I have no idea what the endgame is supposed to be and I don't care much for the matches in the meantime. I feel like someone saw the promos Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page cut on Elevation this week and told them to cut those same promos in this segment. I appreciate their intensity, but I maintain that these two would be better off in the singles ranks. Anna Jay and Tay Conti def. Penelope Ford and The BunnyTay Jay (as the entrance video called them) coming out to their own entrance music was a nice touch. These four have been tied together for over a month now and this was a fitting time and fashion for it to be blown off. They didn't get a ton of time (nor did they need to), but what we got was solid. I'd love to see either Jay or Conti be built up for a shot at Britt Baker's AEW Women's World Championship soon. Darby Allin Confronted MJFI've had a feeling for weeks that Allin's next program would be with MJF (considering he beat Shawn Spears two weeks ago and FTR in tag team action last week) and that was confirmed here. Both guys are coming off high-profile losses at All Out, so it will be interesting to see who ultimately goes over. I hope they hold off on doing this match until Full Gear because this first-time-ever encounter is a big deal. I enjoyed this exchange, even if MJF went a bit far with that line about Allin's deceased uncle (though I'm sure he wouldn't have said it if he didn't clear it with Allin first). Sammy Guevara def. Miro to Win the AEW TNT ChampionshipI don't think AEW has ever had someone lose in their first shot at a title only to eventually win it, which is why I assumed Guevara would win here when he arguably shouldn't have. Don't get me wrong, Guevara was a great choice to take the title from Miro, but I think he could have benefited from being in chase mode a little longer, especially since Miro hadn't been beaten by pinfall or submission prior to this since arriving in AEW. They had an above-average match and the finish with all the callbacks was well done. Even if I felt like it came a bit too soon, the title change was very well received and that's all that matters. Overall ShowThis wasn't along the same lines as the Brodie Lee memorial show from right after his passing back in December, but it didn't need to be. They honored him in his hometown throughout the evening and did a terrific job of doing so, especially during the Dark Order match. Otherwise, it was a fairly standard Dynamite show. It obviously paled in comparison to last week's Grand Slam shows, but the two hours were still entertaining on the whole per usual. Not much of note happened outside of the show-closing title change and the Lio Rush announcement (yes, he has come out of retirement yet again), mind you, but at least several stories were moved forward and we got a few big match announcements for next week's two-year anniversary show.
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February 2025