Thom Latimer (Team Kamille and Idol) def. Marshe Rockett (Team Stevens and Terrell) in a Round 1 Block A Match in the Champions SeriesRockett has largely been positioned as an enhancement talent since the NWA's relaunch, so I didn't think he had any chance of victory when this started. That's why I was surprised this lasted as long as it did. Rockett pushed him to his limit and, to his credit, he had a solid showing and it was a good match. In the end, however, Latimer went over as expected (albeit after cheating) to win five points for his team.
Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville Announced Nikki A.S.H. vs. Charlotte Flair vs. Rhea Ripley in a Triple Threat Match for the Raw Women's Championship at SummerSlamAlthough I'm no fan of Nikki's superhero shtick, she definitely received a strong reaction when she made her entrance. Part of that is because of how WWE has booked her lately, winning most of her matches (and that's exactly what should be happening if you really want to get someone over). Obviously, Nikki is also very likable, and while this was a good promo from her on the whole, I do think she'd be better in shorter segments seeing as how she got more boos as this went on. This was a logical setup for the Raw Women's Championship Triple Threat at SummerSlam.
Jungle Boy def. Marq QuenJurassic Express has been feuding with the H.F.O. for a while, not to mention that Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus will be teaming with Christian Cage to take on Matt Hardy and Private Party on Wednesday's Dynamite, so this match made sense. This was a smart choice for the opener as it started the show off hot and was well wrestled to boot. They received an ample amount of time and made the most of it. I also appreciate the outside interference being kept to a minimum.
Flip Gordon def. World Famous CBGordan has an ROH World Championship coming up soon, so there was no reason for him to be having a competitive match with World Famous CB of all people, and that's coming from someone who has enjoyed CB's transformation since the Ring of Honor relaunch. It was a nice little match with the right outcome, largely designed to showcase Gordan before he gets his shot at the title on Night 1 of Glory by Honor next month.
Asher Hale def. Guru RaajThis was a rematch from last week's episode where Raaj scored an upset over Hale. That wasn't the smoothest encounter by any means, but this was an improvement. Raaj is clearly green and inexperienced, so wrestling guys like Hale will help him. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary about this outing, mind you, but it was serviceable and Hale was finally able to pick up his first win since May.
February 2025