Impact World Tag Team Champions Heath and Rhino vs. NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions The Motor City Machine Guns Ended in a No Contest (NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championship Was Not Defended)Even with the babyface vs. babyface dynamic, this was shaping up to be a real fun match up until the non-finish due to the interference from The Major Players. I should've seen that coming since Heath and Rhino beat them at Over Drive, but what we got before they interrupted was pretty good. Then again, that should come as no surprise given Motor City Machine Guns were involved. This will likely set up a three-way tag title match, presumably at Hard to Kill. Savannah Evans def. Impact Knockouts World Tag Team Champion Taya ValkyrieEvans had to prove herself to Tasha Steelz with a win here, and ultimately, she did. I still don't see what the big deal is about Evans since she hasn't had any above-average matches in IMPACT since debuting, but at least she isn't awful. Valkyrie's great, but I simply didn't find this match very interesting. They had a decent match and that was about it. I assume Evans winning will set her and Steelz up for another shot at the Impact Knockouts World Tag Team Championship soon. Kon def. Sami CallihanKon is the former Konnor of The Ascension from WWE. He hasn't improved much since I last saw him in action a few years ago (though he was randomly squashed by Josh Alexander at one point this year in IMPACT) and I can't bring myself to care about him, either. This Deaner-led group won't be the same without Eric Young. Callihan had to carry a majority of this match, and even then, it wasn't very good. A Deaner vs. Callihan feud doesn't interest me at all. Impact World Champion Josh Alexander def. "Speedball" Mike BaileyAlexander issued an open challenge for his Impact World Championship with the sole intention of Bully Ray answering it so he wouldn't have to wait until Hard to Kill next month to face him (though that match would have happened as scheduled, regardless). Due to Bully declining his challenge and claiming to not be in the building, Bailey answered the call instead. Bailey has unfortunately cooled off since losing the Impact X-Division Championship at Bound for Glory, but he's still had a hell of a year in IMPACT and this perfectly capped it off. They went almost exactly one hour and was as excellently wrestled as you'd expect from them. I never bought Bailey as a legitimate threat to the title, mind you, but I did appreciate how credible he was made to look in defeat. Overall ShowIt isn't often that a match goes so long that in storyline the "planned" main event has to be bumped (John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels on WWE Raw in 2007 is the most obvious example that comes to mind), so I thought it was cool they took that route this week. Granted, it was all about the match itself and not furthering any angle involving Alexander and Bully, but it was a nice treat and they clearly made the most of their time. The women's match was mediocre and Callihan vs. Kon was throwaway, but I enjoyed the opener and the lengthy main event made the episode worthwhile.
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February 2025