The Briscoes def. Danhausen and PCOThe Briscoes are being built up for a shot at the ROH World Tag Team Championship at Final Battle, so them winning here was hardly a surprise, especially since Danhausen and PCO clearly aren't meant to be a team for the long haul. That said, this was a very fun match with both teams working well together. Sledge attacking PCO at ringside gave him and Danhausen an out for losing. Unfortunately, this might be the last we see of Danhausen in action in Ring of Honor because he's currently injured and Final Battle is their final event for the foreseeable future. ROH Women's World Champion Rok-C def. Gia ScottI feel bad for Rok-C. She just became the champ of a division that was on ice for years until she won the title, and now the company is about to go on hiatus. Holidead earned a title shot at Honor for All earlier this month, so although I'm not sure what Scott did to become the number one contender, she had a solid showing and these two had a quality contest. Rok-C will defend against the winner of Mandy Leon vs. Willow on next week's show at Final Battle. EC3 def. Jay LethalIt's crazy to think that EC3 won the Impact World Championship just a few short weeks after Jay Lethal became ROH World Champion in the summer of 2015. Both guys are still super skilled, and since we now know Lethal is "all elite," I'm curious where EC3 will end up. I don't know if ROH knew at the time that Lethal was on his way out, but EC3 winning was the right call either way. This was a great match for him to go out on, though it would have been even better with a crowd in attendance. Overall ShowWe're nearing the end of original programming for ROH TV as Final Battle quickly approaches. They're announcing more matches for the pay-per-view by the day online, but there really hasn't been any build for it on the show itself aside from the quick sit-down interviews with the wrestlers talking about it being the end of an era. At any rate, this was a thumbs-up show with three above-average matches. Next week's episode will feature Taylor Rust vs. Chris Dickinson, Bandido vs. PJ Black, and Mandy Leon vs. Willow in an ROH Women's World Championship number one contender's match.
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February 2025