![]() By RJ Marceau I started watching wrestling in February of 2002 and have been really lucky that I got to see some great wrestlers over the years and see amazing bouts. I saw the end of The Rock's main run, Stone Cold Steve Austin last few years and got to watch Eddie Guerrero's best run in the company. Throughout the years, through video games and video archives on the WWE Network, I have developed a few wrestlers I wish I were fan of at the time of their main run in the WWE. ![]() 5. DX (Attitude Era) In late 2002, WWE reformed DX for two weeks just to break them up and have HHH and Shawn Michaels feud. These men had an amazing feud so I wasn’t upset with the break up. In 2006, Shawn Michaels and HHH reformed the group, which saw them feud with Mr. McMahon and Rated RKO (Edge and Randy Orton). The group had a great run for a year but once HHH got injured Shawn went back to wearing his old HBK wrestling attire. These guys were hilarious for the one year they reunited but DX in the Attitude Era was way more outrageous and edgy. DX in the Attitude Era had zero filter and did whatever they want. Shawn Michaels, HHH and Chyna were hilarious. Edgy nudity and disrespect to talent, Sgt. Slaughter in particular made the group over and must-see TV. The group didn’t lose any appeal when Michaels left but adding The New Age Outlaws and X Pac gave them a new dynamic as a faction. With 5 members in DX it allowed them to feud with The Corporation and The Nation of Domination. DX helped make the Attitude Era entertaining but were great in every installment so I’m glad I could see them live in general. ![]() 4. Stone Cold Steve Austin (Attitude Era) I was able to see the last year of Stone Cold Steve Austin as an in-ring competitor I wasn’t able to see him in his prime. Stone Cold was still a great ass kicker in 2002-2003 as a wrestler and Co-General Manager of Raw but he is known for raising hell in the Attitude Era. Austin had great matches with Bret Hart, HHH, The Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels and The Rock throughout the 1990s. His feud with Mr. McMahon was a catalyst to the Attitude Era and is one of if not the biggest feud in WWE history. I am grateful to witness Stone Cold’s last year as a fulltime wrestler but I wish I were able to see him raise hell throughout the 1990s. ![]() 3. Mick Foley (Attitude Era) This list has a pattern because I was lucky enough to see these guys wrestle but it was limited of after their prime. Mick Foley is a wrestler who had a few runs in the middle to late 2000s but besides his feud with Edge and Randy Orton it was nothing special. Mick Foley made his name by taking amazing punishment through matches and had a no quit attitude. As Mankind, Cactus Jack and Mick Foley he was in hellacious matches specifically his Hell in a Cell matches with Undertaker and HHH. He also had a sense of humor when he and The Rock paired as the Rock N Sock connection. The Rock: This is Your Life segment is still one of my favorites and was executed perfectly. Mick Foley was a great entertainer by being able to be funny and turn into the hardcore legend overnight. It was great to see Foley in his feuds with Orton and Edge but seeing him in the Attitude Era would’ve been great. ![]() 2. Goldberg (WCW) Goldberg was around in 2003-2004 and had decent bouts/feuds but the money in Goldberg was in WCW’s peak in the late 1990s. Goldberg was your quintessential ass kicker and didn’t speak. He let his actions do his talking and raised hell in WCW. He was able to win the World Heavyweight Championship from Hollywood Hulk Hogan and went on to feud with The NWO. After losing to Kevin Nash at Starrcade 1998 he lost his mystique since he was undefeated for a whole year. Goldberg got injured multiple times after his loss and never was able to gain the notoriety he once had. WWE failed to bring him in during the whole Invasion angle, which would’ve helped make the Invasion more appealing/legit. ![]() 1. Bret Hart (WWE Career) Out of any WWE performer of all time I wish I was able to see Bret Hart wrestle in his prime. The King of Harts had it all: the mic work, charisma, a technician and a great character. Hart was able to be a great heel and babyface and had classic bouts with his brother Owen, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold Steve Austin. Never was a big fan of his feud with Yokozuna but was able to win his 2nd WWE Championship but felt like his 1st since he won his first title on a house show. Bret eventually formed the Hart Foundation and feuded with D-Generation X and the Nation of Domination. The Montreal Screwjob may have overshadowed Bret’s career but he is easily my favorite superstar I never got to see wrestle and no I don’t count WrestleMania 26 match vs. Mr. McMahon as an actual Bret Hart match.
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