Danny Burch def. ariya DaivariBurch has been a talented wrestler with zero character on 205 Live. It's been cool to see him mixing it up with the Cruiserweights (especially since Oney Lorcan has been M.I.A. for months), but casual fans have no reason to care about him. Meanwhile, Daivari has and always will bore me to tears. It was a decent match but not one that will be remembered a week from now. A masked The Brian Kendrick cost Burch the victory before cutting a promo that went over like a fart in church in front of this crowd. I'm not really sure why he was wearing a mask when no one seemed to give a crap it was him, anyway. The Singh Brothers def. Corey Storm and Anthony WayneYes, The Singh Brothers are still regulars on 205 Live, giving you less of a reason to want to watch this show. In the ring, they're barely above average, but their gimmick is channel-changing worthy. This squash match was no good and offered nothing of substance. Without the 24/7 Championship, these guys are nobodies. Hell, even with the title, they don't mean anything. The fact they get more matches on this show than almost anyone else nowadays is a travesty. NXT Cruiserweight Champion Angel Garza def. Tony Nese (Non-Title)The crowd was quiet for a majority of this match, but I actually enjoyed this outing. I thought both guys delivered, and while it wasn't a home run by any means, they made effective use of the time they had and kept things interesting with their hard-hitting offense. The botches were noticeable and definitely took away from it, but I liked the matchup otherwise. Garza is far and away the best thing on 205 Live at the moment, but even he can't salvage this show. Overall ShowI honestly thought 205 Live might be cancelled this week because of how nothing was advertised in advance until mere hours beforehand. It ended up being another waste of time. The main event was well wrestled for the most point, but it wasn't exciting enough to make this show worth watching whatsoever. The stuff with the Singhs and Daivari is downright deplorable, and I totally forgot Kendrick was even gone. 205 Live has become sad to watch when you realize what it once was. I'd be stunned if it wasn't off the air six months from now. It's a useless program with the Cruiserweights already appearing on NXT weekly.
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February 2025