RETRIBUTION Attacked Gobbledy Gooker on Miz TV Hosted by The Miz and John MorrisonWhen was the last time Miz TV was held on Main Event? 2013? It was a nice get for Main Event, which rarely if ever features storyline development, and I appreciated that Mustafa Ali got to explain why the rest of RETRIBUTION look the way and have the names they do. He said something similar on Raw Talk about a month ago. I realize the same amount of people probably watch Raw Talk that watch Main Event, but I'm glad he had the chance to cut that promo again. The rest of the segment was weird with R-Truth and Gobbledy Gooker running down to the ring and Gooker being laid out by RETRIBUTION. Hey, at least it wasn't Mr. Money in the Bank taking the beating. Ricochet def. Jeff HardyNo, that isn't a typo. Ricochet and Hardy did indeed have a match, and it was in fact on Main Event. It is 2020 after all, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. This could have been considered a dream match a few years ago and still technically could be despite Ricochet losing a lot of luster in the last year due to his less-than-stellar main roster run. It was fun for what it was, but Elias singing the entire time was definitely distracting. I have no idea why neither of them bothered to walk up the ramp and attempt to shut him up. I also have no idea why the Hardy vs. Elias feud is still going. Again, I enjoyed Hardy vs. Ricochet, but I really wish we'd get a formal match between the two without any shenanigans, preferably on Raw. Overall ShowI don't think it's a stretch to say that this was the best episode of Main Event in years. I mean, how could it not be with Miz TV and Jeff Hardy vs. Ricochet? Granted, there was nothing must-see about Miz TV and it would have been whatever had it aired on Raw, but it was way better than what we usually get on this show. The same can be said for Hardy vs. Ricochet, even though it wasn't as excellent as it had the potential to be due to Elias' relentless signing. On the whole, the episode is worth seeking out for those two things alone (not for the recaps). I'd love if WWE put actual effort into Main Event more often, but I'm not holding my breath.
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